Peace Poster Contest

1st Place 2024 Peace Poster created by Oriah Land

About the Peace Poster CoNTest

For more than three decades, Lions Clubs around the world have been fostering creativity and promoting global harmony through a unique art initiative: the Peace Poster Contest. This annual event invites young people, ages 11 to 13, from schools and youth organizations to share their artistic visions of peace. By participating, children have an opportunity to explore what peace means to them and express those ideas through vibrant, thoughtful artwork.

The contest serves as a powerful platform for young voices, transcending language and cultural barriers to inspire unity and understanding. Each year, the artwork reflects a diverse array of perspectives, showcasing the creativity and optimism of youth from all walks of life. Themes such as hope, cooperation, and kindness often shine through, demonstrating the universal desire for a more harmonious world.

Through this initiative, Lions Clubs empower young artists while encouraging them to think deeply about the importance of peace. The program not only nurtures their artistic skills but also instills values of compassion and global citizenship. Winning entries are shared internationally, amplifying their message and reminding us all of the profound impact art can have in uniting people across borders.

Lions Club International Contest Information 

Contest Winners

2024 Contest Winner, Oriah Land

2023 Contest Winner, Samantha DeLallo

2022 Contest Winner, Vanessa Tran

2021 Contest Winner, Cadence Schnaible

Contest Gallery