2023 Peace Poster Winner

The Carson City Host Lions Club announced that Samantha DeLallo is the 2023 Peace Poster Winner

The contest is an international contest that encourages children ages 11 to 13 to creatively express what peace means to them. This year’s theme was “Dare to Dream.”

DeLallo will receive a $50 award and will move up to the Nevada district level for further competition. If she wins there, she’ll move up to the international competition. Her poster used the peace symbol surrounding children of the world. She entered the contest through the Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada.

Athena Sandell from Carson City won second place and a $25 award. Sandell is a student at Eagle Valley Middle School. Her poster featured a young girl dreaming of becoming a ballerina. Delaney Feuling received an honorable mention and is also a student at Eagle Valley Middle School.

The international grand prize winner will receive a trip to an award ceremony where he/she will receive $5,000 and an award. Additional merit award winners will also be selected, and each will receive $500.

For information visit:

Carson City Host Lions Facebook Page

Carson City Host Lions E-Clubhouse Site

Carson City Host 2023 Peace Poster Winner Samantha DeLallo with Boys and Girls Club Art Director John Soto
Carson City Host 2023 Peace Poster Winner Samantha DeLallo with Boys and Girls Club Art Director John Soto.

2022 Peace Poster Contest

The Carson City Host Lions Club is pleased to announce that Vanessa Tran, the daughter of Jolene Tran, of Carson City has won the local competition in the Peace Poster Contest.
The Peace Poster Contest is an international contest that encourages children, ages 11 to 13, to creatively express what peace means to them. This year’s theme was “Lead with Compassion.” Ms. Tran received a $50 award and will move up to the Nevada District level for further competition. If she wins there, she’ll move up to the international competition.
Vanessa is a 12 year-old and is home-schooled. She said that “Peace means everybody gets along, and its all nice.”
Ryan Archer from Carson City won second place and a $25 award. Ryan entered the contest through the Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada. Cadence Schnaible won Honorable Mention for her poster featuring butterflies. There were eleven students who competed in the contest.
The Carson City Lions partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada and Eagle Valley Middle School. Both organizations provided supplies and guidance from art teachers to interested students. The Nevada Artists’ Association provided display space in its Gallery for viewing by the public.
The International Grand Prize Winner will receive a trip to an award ceremony where he/she will receive $5,000 and an award. 23 merit award winners will also be selected and each will receive $500.
2022 Peace Poster Contest Display
Eleven Peace Poster Contest entries were on display at the Nevada Artists Association Gallery.
Carson City Host Lion President Terry Rubald presents Vanessa Tran a Certificate of Achievement and a $50 check in recognition of her first place finish in the 2022 Peace Poster contest
Carson City Host Lion President Terry Rubald presents Vanessa Tran a Certificate of Achievement and a $50 check in recognition of her first place finish in the 2022 Peace Poster contest.
Ryan Archer won 2nd place in the Peace Poster contest. With him is John Soto, Art Director for the Boys and Girls Club. He received a Certificate of Appreciation. Ryan received a $25 check and a Certificate of Appreciation.
Ryan Archer won 2nd place in the Peace Poster contest. With him is John Soto, Art Director for the Boys and Girls Club. He received a Certificate of Appreciation. Ryan received a $25 check and a Certificate of Appreciation.